Sacral Chakra in Pregnancy:

The Seat of Emotional Health.

The Sacral Chakra is seated in the lower abdomen, just below the navel. It is represented by the color orange. all about creativity, abundance, passions, sexuality, and fertility, When our Sacral Chakra is offline we can feel less joyful about life. If they are blocked, you can have creativity and sexual issues such as low libido and writer/artist block etc..


It's also where all the action is happening for you all right now! You are literally creating and nourishing life! The Sacral is often linked closely with the root chakra so I'm never surprised when there is excess energy in this area during pregnancy and when they are both out of wack. Excessive energy brings out overwhelm, excessive highs and lows, over-dependence on others, jealousy, and more dramatic emotions. Underactive Sacral energy can show symptoms of lack of creativity, emotional dissatisfaction, and sexual issues such as:

  • Pelvic pain

  • Urinary Issues

  • Hormonal Issues

  • Fertility challenges

  • Sciatica

  • Lower back pain

Things to do to help your Sacral Chakra.

Find a Creative Project & Create with no intended Goal intended goal

No need for “talent" here. Just create something, anything with no intended purpose. 

Just to create.

 This  takes the need out of it and leaves behind pure want, pure creativity. So write something, make a graphic in canva, draw, paint, start a craft. Whatever you desire! 

The sacral is all about pleasure!

Supportive Stones

  • Moonstone

  • Carnelian

  • Orange Calcite

  • Moss Agate

EO's that Support the Sacral

  • Orange (Preg safe)

  • Clary Sage (but do not use in pregnancy great for birth)

Smelling orange is where it's at! Eat one, smell one, and use orange EOs when cleaning or when you need a refresh and reset. I like to use orange EOs in birth to change the space and reset from a change in plan or direction, clear the space, and start fresh! 


DO NOT TOUCH CLARY SAGE IN PREGNANCY! I mention it here only because it is a wonderful way to induce labor surges or to keep them coming. That's how well it works on the sacral! Use with caution and too much of anything is never good. 

Get near some water!!! If you live near a river, lake, or ocean, take some time to sit by the water and listen to the sound it makes as it moves. Allow the fluidity into your breath and being. If you don't live near water listen to water sound tracks and breath orange light into the area. 

Stay tuned for how to work to heal emotional ailments in pregnancy when our Root is offline or blocked. The next blog post will be about common emotional imbalances we may feel and how to move through them. It’s chock full of ideas to help so share this blog with a friend and be sure to subscribe!

Want to learn more or have a one-on-one distance or if local to Connecticut, an in-person Energy healing session?

Click the link below to schedule a discovery call

…or click here to book a session.

Thank you for reading, sharing, and being part of our beautiful community!


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Solar Plexus Perplexus


Part 1: Root Chakra Alignment in Pregnancy