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Ailish Lewis’

4 weeks to Better Sleep

Group Coaching for holistic sleep and conscious parenting

What is …

Conscious Parenting?

is about just simply being aware, present, mindful, and conscious of what you are feeling and doing with your child instead of just reacting. It is a practice that strengthens over time and is not easy to embody at first. Many of us parent on default because it’s hard to undo all that we know. If you were raised, learning emotions were ok to express, that responsiveness was not spoiling you and that you were a baby/child communicating in the way you knew how and that was ok, then you likely have some of those traits but if that sentence sounded completely foreign, then likely you have some things to work on. (Btw, most people land here! This is unfortunately the norm) Through new science, new insight and studies we have about conscious parenting practices, the healing for ourselves and our families and our future generations is endless. This is New Earth work!

How does your

program work?

You will be enrolled in my self-paced Holistic Sleep Coaching program for 4 weeks. Each week you will work on a new module we will tackle a goal and check in every week via Zoom to get insight and advice. Everyone will be working at their own pace but will have the support and accountability of an entire community.

How do I

Sign up?

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Week 1:

Learning Cues – Understanding Your Child’s Sleep Signals

Description: In the first week of our "4 Weeks to Better Sleep" program, we dive into the foundational concept of learning and understanding your child’s sleep cues. By recognizing and responding to these cues, you can create a more supportive sleep environment that aligns with your child’s natural rhythms.

Key Focus Areas:

  • Identifying Sleep Cues: Learn to recognize the subtle and overt signals your child gives when they are ready for sleep, such as eye rubbing, yawning, or changes in behavior.

  • Understanding Sleep Windows: Explore the concept of sleep windows and how timing can affect the ease of falling asleep.

  • Responsive Parenting: Develop skills in responding to your child’s cues in a way that supports their individual sleep needs.

  • Establishing a Sleep Routine: Begin crafting a bedtime routine that incorporates your child’s sleep cues, setting the stage for a more peaceful and consistent sleep pattern.


  • Sleep Cue Log: Start tracking your child’s sleep cues and patterns throughout the week.

  • Routine Planning: Begin planning a sleep routine that works with your child’s natural cues and rhythms.

  • Group Discussion: Share observations with the group and discuss common cues and strategies for responding effectively.

Outcome: By the end of Week 1, you’ll have a clearer understanding of your child’s unique sleep signals and be equipped to create a bedtime routine that fosters better sleep for both your child and your family.

This week sets the stage for the rest of the program by establishing a strong foundation in recognizing and responding to your child's natural sleep needs.

Week 2: Fading and Sleep Association Stacking – Building Positive Sleep Habits

Description: In the second week of our "4 Weeks to Better Sleep" program, we focus on the techniques of fading and sleep association stacking. These gentle methods help shift your child towards more independent sleep while maintaining a secure and connected bedtime routine.

Key Focus Areas:

  • Understanding Sleep Associations: Learn about the sleep associations your child currently relies on, such as feeding, rocking, or specific bedtime rituals.

  • Fading Techniques: Explore the concept of fading, which involves gradually reducing your involvement in your child's sleep process to encourage more independent sleep.

  • Sleep Association Stacking: Discover how to introduce new, positive sleep associations that can replace those that require more parental involvement. This method helps build a more sustainable bedtime routine.

  • Gentle Transitions: Learn how to make these changes gently, minimizing stress for both you and your child.


  • Sleep Association Assessment: Identify and assess your child's current sleep associations, noting which ones you'd like to maintain and which you'd like to gradually phase out.

  • Fading Plan: Develop a personalized fading plan tailored to your child's needs, with clear steps for gently reducing sleep associations over time.

  • Stacking Practice: Start introducing new, positive sleep associations and practice stacking them with existing ones to ease the transition.

Outcome: By the end of Week 2, you’ll have a customized plan for fading sleep associations and introducing new ones, setting the stage for more independent and restful sleep. You’ll also begin to see your child adapt to these changes, with improved sleep patterns and a more peaceful bedtime routine.

This week helps parents gently guide their children towards more independent sleep, using nurturing and mindful techniques that align with conscious parenting principles.

Week 3: Starting the Coaching Process – Empowering You to Support Your Child’s Sleep

Description: In the third week of our "4 Weeks to Better Sleep" program, we shift focus to starting the coaching process. This involves empowering you as a parent to guide your child through their sleep journey using supportive, gentle coaching techniques. You'll learn how to be a confident and effective coach, helping your child build healthy sleep habits while maintaining a nurturing and connected relationship.

Key Focus Areas:

  • The Role of a Sleep Coach: Understand what it means to be your child’s sleep coach and how you can support them through changes in their sleep patterns and habits.

  • Setting Goals: Establish clear, achievable sleep goals for your child based on the progress made in the first two weeks.

  • Coaching Techniques: Learn gentle coaching techniques, such as verbal reassurance, physical presence, and gradual withdrawal, to support your child as they learn to fall asleep more independently.

  • Patience and Consistency: Discuss the importance of patience and consistency in the coaching process, and how to manage challenges or setbacks that may arise.


  • Goal Setting Exercise: Work on setting realistic sleep goals for your child that reflect their unique needs and your family’s values.

  • Coaching Practice: Begin practicing coaching techniques during bedtime and nap times, gradually increasing your child’s ability to fall asleep independently.

  • Group Support: Share your experiences with the group, discussing successes and challenges, and receive feedback and encouragement from fellow parents.

Outcome: By the end of Week 3, you’ll feel more confident in your role as your child’s sleep coach. You’ll have clear goals and strategies in place to continue guiding your child towards better sleep, with the support of gentle, mindful techniques that honor your child’s needs and your parenting philosophy.

This week is all about empowering you to take an active role in your child’s sleep journey, using compassionate coaching methods that foster independence while maintaining a strong parent-child bond.

Week 4: Practicing to Make Progress – Consolidating New Sleep Habits

Description: In the final week of our "4 Weeks to Better Sleep" program, the focus is on practice and progress. This week is about reinforcing the techniques and strategies you’ve learned, ensuring that the positive changes you’ve made continue to grow and solidify. You’ll concentrate on consistency, refining your approach as needed, and celebrating the progress you and your child have made.

Key Focus Areas:

  • Consistency in Practice: Emphasize the importance of consistency in applying the sleep strategies you’ve learned throughout the program. Consistent practice helps turn new habits into lasting routines.

  • Monitoring Progress: Learn how to track your child’s sleep progress, noting improvements and identifying any areas that may need further adjustment.

  • Adapting Strategies: Discuss how to make small adjustments to your approach if needed, ensuring that the sleep plan remains effective as your child continues to grow and develop.

  • Celebrating Successes: Reflect on the progress made during the program, both big and small. Celebrate the steps forward and acknowledge the effort and dedication it took to get here.


  • Sleep Progress Journal: Continue to track your child’s sleep patterns and progress, using this journal to note improvements and any ongoing challenges.

  • Refinement Session: Make any necessary tweaks to your sleep plan, based on your observations and feedback from the group.

  • Group Reflection: Share your journey with the group, discussing the progress you’ve made and celebrating the successes together. Use this time to reinforce the positive changes and build confidence moving forward.

Outcome: By the end of Week 4, you’ll have a strong foundation of consistent practices that support your child’s sleep. You’ll feel confident in continuing to apply these strategies beyond the program, knowing how to adapt as needed and celebrate the progress you and your child have made. This week solidifies the journey towards better sleep, empowering you with the tools and confidence to maintain and further your child’s healthy sleep habits.

This final week is about reinforcing everything you’ve learned and practiced, ensuring that the progress made continues to benefit your family in the long term.

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Next CoHoRT

SEPT 2024

Want my full conscious parent coaching program?

I am a Jai Institute of Parenting conscious parenting coach and I love helping parents deprogram from default parenting and get intentional and conscious about their parenting. Learn more about this transformational program!


1:1 Coaching