Helping you find your voice: Throat Chakra
Throat Chakra: Physical Healing
Today we move to the throat chakra! This is considered the 5th chakra or energy center and now we are moving into the upper chakras that comprise of the throat, third eye or bow and crown chakra. These are considered to be the energy centers of our spiritual bodies. The throat is the entry to the higher self and said to be the voice of the soul. It vibrates to the color blue. usually a lighter blue but deep blue stones are known to give deep healing to this chakra too.
It is located in the throat above the clavicle and is connected to the mouth, neck, ears, thyroid and parathyroid. It is the center for communication in all its ways and linked to our creativity and morals. Since it oversees the ears, it also helps us tap in and listen to our intuition from the third eye chakra.
With an overactive throat chakra, you may feel judgey and gossip, talk too loud or talk over people and overpower conversations. You may be more prone to yelling or shouting.
Under-active is the opposite and you may find yourself suppressing. your voice, thoughts, feelings and emotions. You may have a hard time finding your words or getting them out.
Physical ailments that can surface when the throat chakra are out of balance could be:
Jaw pain
Ear, mouth and throat infections or sores
Ear pain & hearing issues
Neck Pain
Writing a letter to your baby.
Exercise to Balance Throat Chakra: Write a Letter to the Baby.
This is such a cathartic and beautiful gift to yourself and your child. Have some tissues ready and get ready for the release of emotions, fears, hopes, and dreams.
Sit down for a few quiet minutes and close your eyes, take some nice, slow, deep, breaths in and hold your hands over your heart and your baby and just connect with yourself and baby for a few moments. When it feels good and you feel ready, pick up your pen and journal or paper and start with "Dear Baby inside of me… and write down all of your hopes, dreams, feelings, emotions, fears, and everything that comes up for you.
This is going to release so much but what a beautiful gift to share with your child when they are older.
Ask questions!
Getting to know your Birth preferences
Schedule a Birth Preference consultation (link)
Have you thought about your birth preferences? Many people will say things like “don't bother, just do what the nurses and Dr's say” or “ If you write it down it is destined to have the opposite happen”.
It's a bunch of rubbish! How you can reframe it is, what are your preferences? Your preferences are simply how do you want to feel and be treated? How do you want your baby to be treated and how do you want your partner to be treated?
For example, how do you want the lights? What do you want to wear? Do you want intermittent monitoring or constant? Do you want to be offered medications or do you want to ask for them as needed? Do you want to labor in the shower or tub? Do you want music or affirmations playing? Do you want touch or no touch? Do you want to protect the golden hour and hold off on shots and eye goop for your babe so you can have a successful breastfeeding establishment? Do you want optimal cord clamping and wait for the cord to stop pulsing? Do you want your partner to be involved in different ways? Do they want to catch the baby? Do they want to be by your side up by your head? Do you have different beliefs that are important for you? Do you have a doula and want her to be included in all discussions?
SO many questions, right?! I know it can feel daunting. I offer consultation calls on these very things to help people make their birth preference template so that they can state their preferences and feel confident talking to their care providers about things. Let me know if you need any help and tell your friends that I can help!
Writing down your preferences also helps you to find your voice and know wholeheartedly that you know your choices. A lot of times medical professionals can sometimes make you feel like you don't, but let me tell you, you have so many more choices than you think. This also helps to keep your throat chakra in balance because you are not suppressing your voice and saying yes when you really want to say no. If you need childbirth education to help dive deeper into what your want and how you want to feel, I offer a few classes and all my students say that they feel more prepared and confident after taking a class with me.
I have a new Self-Paced Course specifically for all these possible interventions so you know the benefits and risks of each. Be sure to enroll today to learn more about your options and find your. voice. Comes with editable birth preference template to have for your birth team!
Repeat after me…
Throat Affirmations:
It is safe to speak my truth.
What I have to say matters, my soul has something to share.
I know the power of my words.
Say these while tapping, havening or smelling EO's !
Hope these ideas, templates, and 1:1 calls help you know your stuff, feel your best, and balance your throat chakra. Your voice matters! Speak up!
With love and collective liberation,
#speakout #speakupaboutpalestine #throatchakra #pregnancy #birthpreferences #birthplan #birthclass #selfpaced #